360 Degrees Longitude One Family Journey Around the World John Higham 9781593501082 Books

360 Degrees Longitude One Family Journey Around the World John Higham 9781593501082 Books
The Highams spent ten years planning their family trip around the world. Their children were eleven and eight when they started their adventure which means the son hadn't been born yet and the daughter was only about one when the planning started. These children spent their lives knowing that the trip would happen. It wasn't sprung on them and they got to help with the planning. Each child chose one thing he wanted to do. Not a small thing as the daughter's choice was a safari in Africa. They also practiced to see if tandem bicycling with their children was practical. Maui is one of the places mentioned.The kids were schooled in math along the way. Books for the children for each destination were packed and shipped monthly by someone in the states.
Tons of planning went into this trip. And I think that's what made the trip such a great success.
Not everything went according to plan. There was a broken leg, worries about getting money, transportation problems, breakdowns, and disappointments. It couldn't have always been easy for the parents even though the kids were terrific and everyone seemed to gain something from every destination.
There is a negative review here by someone who wrote a long paragraph complaining about the parents making the kids wait in line at the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa which she considers an over rated painting. Maybe if she had read the rest of the book she would have marveled at the history learned by visiting Auschwitz, Hiroshima, and the "killing fields" of Cambodia. There were so many valuable things seen and learned in this book that I find nitpicking about a painting more than ridiculous.
I liked the author's writing and I enjoyed how much he appreciated and loved his wife. Journal entries from both children were included. It's clear that they were enjoying themselves and that they were very smart kids.
I liked that Mr. Higham had an appendix of all kinds of interesting facts at the end of the book. Included were countries entered and visited, how they planned, how they saved money, how they made their arrangements, miles traveled, where they slept, what they took, how they paid their bills at home, and most interesting of all is how much the trip cost. A LOT of MONEY. I am sure we will soon see some books that have titles like "How Our Family of Ten Toured the World for a Year On Half as Much Money as the Highams".
A very entertaining book that had me wishing I had thought of it when my kids were young.

Tags : 360 Degrees Longitude: One Family's Journey Around the World [John Higham] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <B>Much more than a travel narrative <em>360 Degrees Longitude: One Family’s Journey Around the World</em> is a glimpse at what it means to be a “global citizen”—a progressively changing view of the world as seen through the eyes of an American family of four. </b> After more than a decade of planning,John Higham,360 Degrees Longitude: One Family's Journey Around the World,Alyson Books,1593501080,Personal Memoirs,Special Interest - Family,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY Personal Memoirs,Essays,Essays & Travelogues,FAMILY,General Adult,Non-Fiction,TRAVEL,TRAVEL Special Interest Family,Travel - General,Travel Essays & Travelogues,United States,VOYAGES AND TRAVELS
360 Degrees Longitude One Family Journey Around the World John Higham 9781593501082 Books Reviews
I loved the book... the father wrote it from his perspective, and his sense of humor was fantastic throughout the whole read. It's a family I would love to take to dinner and hear so much more about their travels. I enjoyed hearing a clip at the end from each family member's perspective relating to reentering the "real world" and what they each personally took from the experience as a whole.
I look forward to the day I am able to "run away" from my everyday life and spread my wings and travel. This will help motivate anyone interested in either taking their own journey, or just a fantastic read in the comfort or safety of your own home.
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us!!!!
I quite liked 360 degrees longitude I'm not sure how it should have ended, but it was sort of anti-climactic for me. I thought the relationships among the family were terrific and so funny at times. It would be fun to have a dad and mother like those in the book.
I did not read this book myself, as it was purchased for my daughter who read it for a summer college assignment. She said that the ending was anticlimactic and that she would not want to have to read it again.
I read the Edition of this enchanting family's journey one year abroad and the format effected my 4 star rating. I'm not sure how the paperback copy was but I wish there were photos included some where, even a select few would have really helped me visualize this story better. There is a "Google Earth" option where you can go online and follow the Highams around the world which includes photos and extra stories, but I found "Google Earth" difficult to navigate through and wish some of it's content was in the pages of "360 Degrees Longitude" and not supplemental. When I read I like to get swept up and away by the story so going online made me feel like I had to step away from and then dive back into their adventure, which I wasn't fond of. Also, the teasers throughout the book to connect with Google Earth drove me crazy, I wish he just included all of it in one place.
However, this is a must read for travel junkies, world explorers and/or those who suffer from wanderlust like myself. I wanted to throw all my essentials in a backpack, jump on a bicycle and journey around the world with the Hinghams almost instantly. John is humorous and quirky and the rest of his family is just as loveable. There were times when I wished he gave me more (what year is this, where did Grandma go - wait she's still there?, what Country are they in again?), but overall this book was brilliant and exciting. Going back to format, I hope they re-release this one day as a scrap book, photos woven in, maps and diagrams of where they traveled to and from within the chapters. I think that would have made the story perfect.
Having lived 10 of the last 20 years overseas and then returning to America, I've struggled to find people who "get it" in terms of cultural adventures and reverse culture shock. This was a fun read and it really had some cool stories to illustrate how poorly "normal" people understand the reverse culture shock effect that re-entry has on those who have traveled. I love the son's lament that he had to stop wearing sandals at school because "he might stub his toe on the playground" despite the fact that he had traveled in those same shoes to DOZENS of countries including jungles and deserts.. Most Americans are the proverbial frog in the pot who don't know they are being boiled to death in their materialistic, legalistic and arrogantly myopic world views. This book can help you get some perspective -)
The Highams spent ten years planning their family trip around the world. Their children were eleven and eight when they started their adventure which means the son hadn't been born yet and the daughter was only about one when the planning started. These children spent their lives knowing that the trip would happen. It wasn't sprung on them and they got to help with the planning. Each child chose one thing he wanted to do. Not a small thing as the daughter's choice was a safari in Africa. They also practiced to see if tandem bicycling with their children was practical. Maui is one of the places mentioned.
The kids were schooled in math along the way. Books for the children for each destination were packed and shipped monthly by someone in the states.
Tons of planning went into this trip. And I think that's what made the trip such a great success.
Not everything went according to plan. There was a broken leg, worries about getting money, transportation problems, breakdowns, and disappointments. It couldn't have always been easy for the parents even though the kids were terrific and everyone seemed to gain something from every destination.
There is a negative review here by someone who wrote a long paragraph complaining about the parents making the kids wait in line at the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa which she considers an over rated painting. Maybe if she had read the rest of the book she would have marveled at the history learned by visiting Auschwitz, Hiroshima, and the "killing fields" of Cambodia. There were so many valuable things seen and learned in this book that I find nitpicking about a painting more than ridiculous.
I liked the author's writing and I enjoyed how much he appreciated and loved his wife. Journal entries from both children were included. It's clear that they were enjoying themselves and that they were very smart kids.
I liked that Mr. Higham had an appendix of all kinds of interesting facts at the end of the book. Included were countries entered and visited, how they planned, how they saved money, how they made their arrangements, miles traveled, where they slept, what they took, how they paid their bills at home, and most interesting of all is how much the trip cost. A LOT of MONEY. I am sure we will soon see some books that have titles like "How Our Family of Ten Toured the World for a Year On Half as Much Money as the Highams".
A very entertaining book that had me wishing I had thought of it when my kids were young.

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